Not sure if you found a solution to this one, but there's a simpler approach. This code hooks into the tooltip-show event, during the capture phase (before it displays), to scale and position it appropriately based on the scale of the containing element -- in "this" case, the parentApplication document. It also includes a bit of code that, in my case, helped keep the tooltips from drifting off the stage when scaled (so you might only need the first few lines -- t.scaleX and t.scaleY):
addEventListener(ToolTipEvent.TOOL_TIP_SHOW, handleToolTipShow, true, 0, true);
private function handleToolTipShow(event:ToolTipEvent):void
if (event && event.toolTip)
var t:IToolTip = event.toolTip;
// Scale the tip itself
t.scaleX = this.scaleX;
t.scaleY = this.scaleY;
// Scale the offsets
var xOffset:int = 10 * this.scaleX;
var yOffset:int = 10 * this.scaleY;
// Set the default positioning
t.x = parent.mouseX + xOffset;
t.y = parent.mouseY + yOffset;
// Set the adjusted height and width
var th:Number = t.height * this.scaleX;
var tw:Number = t.width * this.scaleY;
var rightEdge:int = t.x + tw + xOffset;
var playerRightEdge:int = parent.width;
var bottomEdge:int = t.y + th + yOffset;
var playerBottomEdge:int = parent.height;
// Offscreen right
if (rightEdge > playerRightEdge)
t.move(parent.mouseX - xOffset - tw, parent.mouseY + yOffset);
// Offscreen bottom
if (bottomEdge > playerBottomEdge)
t.move(parent.mouseX + xOffset, parent.mouseY - yOffset - th);
Hope it helps!