



Does anyone know of a good tutorial for any of the above?

I need to send data to Drupal from and Android phone.

Data is stored in XML but can be converted to JSON easily.

Then it needs to be stored in a user's profile.



I suggest you use the Drupal Views module to achieve this. It's a very powerful module which allows you to run complex queries on your database and produce output in virtually any format.

Here's some information about using Views and Views Datasource module to produce JSON data.

If Views Datasource isn't any use, then Views Bonus Pack module may be an alternative.

Hope that helps.

My understanding is that the OP wants to send data _from_ Android phone _to_ Drupal, while your suggestion is geared at the other direction. So while your suggestions might also benefit him, you could add a Link to the Services module for the reverse direction -
Henrik Opel
The comment is correct. I need to send data from an Android phone to drupal. I have tried to read through the documentation of the services module and have even used both DrupalCloud and Android-XMLRPC as a base but i cannot get either to work. - Is there a working example of 'node.get' in Java? Just something simple so that i can figure out the parameters etc. thanks

THe reason DrupalCloud wasn;t working was due to my version of PHP 5.2.14.

The solution was to put the key values in double quotes as that is what JSON is expecting

bnvp[0] = new BasicNameValuePair("nid", "4"); 
bnvp[0] = new BasicNameValuePair("nid", "\"4\""); 

mPairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("method", "system.connect")); 
mPairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("method", "\"system.connect\"")); 


Also, make sure all services modules are enable and the proper permissions are set.
