



On Page 1 i have controls txtBox, ComboBox and a hyperlink. TextBox has Value "ABC" ComboBox has some value "123"

When i click on the Hypoerlink On Page1, i Navigate to page2.

On Page2 i click on a btnGoBack which takes me back to Page1. I can actually see my values.

I however cannot see the values when the controls on Page1 are bound to a datasource.

ex: in XAML

if i have <TextBox: x:Name="txtName" Text={Binding Path = uName"}/>

Then in the Page navigation to Page2 and back it is not retaining the value in the text box and the Combo Box.

Is this some kind of intended behaviour or a bug?


Have you remembered to set KeepAlive="True" in Page1 XAML?

@Goblin. Yes i did.
New Developer