




Hi i have set up svn repository and i was to access it over internet. i have done in svn dir...

svnserve -d -r path

but it says

[~/svnrepo]# svnserve -d -r /home2/alohamor/svnrepo/
svnserve: Can't bind server socket: Address already in use

Pls help what to do


This means another program (maybe another instance of svnserve) is already using the svn port. Check netstat -a for applications with port 3690 open

Sander Rijken
i have run this command i can only see tcp thr no svn...
@user453506: the app listening on TCP is your problem. There are only two kinds of socket, TCP and UPD. Svnserve uses TCP as well.
Michael Borgwardt
i have run the command again .. it has run but without any message and still if i ma trying to access it .. its timing out