



I wrote a simple Mac OS X application to edit the notes of my Mac Address Book contacts. The program looks like this:

Single screen: 

| ABPeoplePickerView on the left side || NSTextField on the right side |

I've hooked up notifications so that whenever the selection in the ABPeoplePickerView changes, the text field gets updated and shows the notes for that contact ready to be edited.

Here's the problem:

When I modify the notes and save the contact, the change is not reflected in the people picker view. Instead the current selection in the view (on the person I modified) gets updated automatically and I see the old version of the notes for that contact.

My question:

Is the ABPeoplePickerView intended to be used only once and must be deallocated as soon as a person or group was selected?

I assume that the ABPeoplePickerView instance is using a different ABAddressBook instance than what I use when I update a person's record. Is there a way to refresh or reload the people picker view?