



What's the best way to save and retrieve an array of images across app restarts? I'm implementing a caching feature for offline viewing of downloaded images and just want to make sure I'm using the right persisting methods.


+1  A: 

The quickest & probably best solution would be to persist your images to disk, no question about it.

You could do something like this to save them as JPEG.

NSData *data = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, 1.0f);
[data writeToFile:imagePath atomically:YES];
Yannick Compernol
I'd like to save the entire array of images. Will this still work properly if I swap out the UIImage for an NSArray?
You would have to iterate through the array, converting each UIImage to its JPEG representation using something like the code that Yannick provided.
I undertand that, however, I should mention there will be multiple arrays that need to be cached separately. This way I could later just recreate them when the app launches. If I save the images, this may not work since they will all be save in the same directory and I won't know which set of images belong to which array.
Yannick Compernol
I'll take a look at your suggestions and see what works. Many Thanks.