Occasionally I'll have a situation where I've written some code and, based on its logic, a certain path is impossible. For example:
activeGames = [10, 20, 30]
limit = 4
def getBestActiveGameStat():
if not activeGames: return None
return max(activeGames)
def bah():
if limit == 0: return "Limit is 0"
if len(activeGames) >= limit:
somestat = getBestActiveGameStat()
if somestat is None:
print "The universe has exploded"
What would go in the universe exploding line? If limit is 0, then the function returns. If len(activeGames) >= limit
, then there must be at least one active game, so getBestActiveGameStat()
can't return None. So, should I even check for it?
The same also happens with something like a while loop which always returns in the loop:
def hmph():
while condition:
if foo: return "yep"
raise SingularityFlippedMyBitsError()
Since I "know" it's impossible, should anything even be there?