



here is my DAO implementation, i will load the whole table and cached in memory for a certain period of time

public class DataAccessFacade {

   private EntityManager em;

   public Map<String, String> loadAllTranslation() {
      List<Translation> list = em.createQuery("select t from Translation t").getResultList();    
      Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>();
      // do more processing here, omitted for clarity     
      return result;

   public String getTranslation(String key) {
      return loadAllTranslation().get(key);


here is my jersey client

DataAccessFacade dataAccessFacade;

public String t5(@QueryParam("id") String key) {
  // load the data from dataAccessFacade
  String text = dataAccessFacade.getTranslation(key); 
  String text2 = dataAccessFacade.loadAllTranslation().get(key); 

in the client if i call the dataAccessFacade.loadAllTranslation(), i will see the interceptor logic been executed

if i call the dataAccessFacade.getTranslation() which internally call the loadAllTranslation(), then i didn't see the interceptor been executed

what is the problem here?

how to solve it?


An interceptor bound to a class will intercept all methods. It looks like you have chosen to bind your interceptor (@CacheOutput?) to specific methods rather than at the class level.

I imagine that if you explicitly bound your interceptor to the getTranslation method in addition to loadAllTranslation then you would see the interceptor working in both situations.

I have not found any explanation in the specification to explain the current behaviour. My guess is that it could be thought of as a kind of encapsulation (information hiding). Externally, there is no reason to expect that a call to getTranslation would result in a call to loadAllTranslation. If the interceptor was to be invoked as the result of a call to getTranslation (without an explicit annotation) it could be seen as leaking the details of the class' internal workings.

Mark McLaren
i have tried to move the annotation to the class level, same result.
Not really sure. Could you try this very simple business interceptor and see what you get:
Mark McLaren