



I thought I had this all figured out, but now that I'm writing a webserver, something is not quite working right.

The app listens on a port for incoming requests, and when it receives one, it reads everything up to the sequence "\r\n\r\n". (Because that signifies the end of the headers - yes, I am ignoring possible POST data.)

Now, after it reads that far, it writes to the socket the response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n
Content-type: text/html\r\n
Content-length: 6\r\n

However, when Firefox or Chrome tries to view the page, it won't display. Chrome informs me:

Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): Unknown error.

What am I doing wrong?

Here is some of the code:

QTcpSocket * pSocket = m_server->nextPendingConnection();

// Loop thru the request until \r\n\r\n is found
    QByteArray data = pSocket->readAll();


pSocket->write("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n");

QString error_str = "Hello world!";

pSocket->write("Host: localhost:8081\r\n");
pSocket->write("Content-Type: text/html\r\n");
pSocket->write(tr("Content-Length: %1\r\n").arg(error_str.length()).toUtf8());

delete pSocket;

Try it with telnet or nc (netcat) to debug it. Also, is it possible you're sending double newlines? I'm not sure your language, so if your print appends a newline, switch to:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r

It's also handy to have a small logging/forwarding program for debugging socket protocols. I don't know any offhand, but I've had one I've used for many years and it's a lifesaver when I need it.

[Edit] Try using wget to fetch the file; use the -S -O file to save the output to a file and see what's wrong that way.



delete pSocket;

I haven't used Qt for a long time, but do you need to flush or at least close the socket before deleting?

Carter Galle
I'm using C++. (The Qt Framework.)
George Edison
on what platform?
Carter Galle
@Carter: Linux 64-bit.
George Edison
Great, install **wget** if it isn't already. You'll be glad after you start using it (if you don't already know it).
Carter Galle
@Carter: I have `wget` installed - I'll try that.
George Edison
**Aha!** "HTTP request sent, awaiting response... No data received.Retrying."
George Edison

What you’ve shown looks okay, so it must be that you’re actually sending something different. (I presume that you're entering "" in your browser.)

Download the crippleware version of this product and see what it reports:

I tried WireShark but it wasn't showing the response my app was supposed to be making... so you might be onto something here.
George Edison
+4  A: 

Could the problem be that you're not flushing and closing the socket before deleting it?

EDIT: George Edison answered his own question, but was kind enough to accept my answer. Here is the code that worked for him:

No problem! And thanks... you got it before I did.
George Edison
+5  A: 

I figured it out!

After writing the data to the socket, I have to call:


...or the buffer does not get outputted.

George Edison