+1  A: 

How are you converting back the base64 data to an image? Some implementations limit the maximum line length they will accept. Try inserting a line break every so many characters.

Just tried adding a newline for every loop but it didn't make a difference.
But each iteration in your loop is more than 25,000 characters long! Try something like 80 characters per line.
OK, just tried adding newline every 80 characters and got the same result. Thanks for the suggestion though!

I wish I could give credit to GregInYEG, because his original point about padding was the underlying issue. With base64, each chunk has to be a multiple of 3. So this resolved the issue:

chunkSize = 3600

Once I had that, the corruption went away. But then I ran into memory leak issues, so I added the autorelease pool apprach taken from this post: http://www.cocoadev.com/index.pl?ReadAFilePieceByPiece

Final code:

// Read data in chunks from the original file
[originalFile seekToEndOfFile];
NSUInteger fileLength = [originalFile offsetInFile];
[originalFile seekToFileOffset:0];

// For base64, each chunk *MUST* be a multiple of 3
NSUInteger chunkSize = 24000;
NSUInteger offset = 0;
NSAutoreleasePool *chunkPool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
while(offset "];
    serializedString = [serializedString substringFromIndex:r.location+7];
    r = [serializedString rangeOfString:@""];
    serializedString = [serializedString substringToIndex:r.location-1];

    // Write the base64 encoded chunk to our output file
    NSData *base64EncodedChunk = [serializedString dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
    [encodedFile truncateFileAtOffset:[encodedFile seekToEndOfFile]];
    [encodedFile writeData:base64EncodedChunk];

    // Cleanup
    base64EncodedChunk = nil;
    serializedChunk = nil;
    serializedString = nil;
    chunk = nil;

    // Update the progress bar
    [self updateProgress:[NSNumber numberWithInt:offset] total:[NSNumber numberWithInt:fileLength]];

    // Drain and recreate the pool
    [chunkPool release];
    chunkPool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
[chunkPool release];
