For Delphi IDE, Is there any tool/expert to know the name of the function where the cursor is, without scrolling the code editor?
I never used it personally, but CodeRush for Delphi might be the tool you are looking for (on the linked page search for "breadcrumb").
2008-12-22 12:52:57
CodeRush is only available up to Delphi 7.
Bruce McGee
2008-12-22 14:08:44
Castalia is the tool you want, for all IDE's including the post-Delphi 7 versions. Castalia at TwoDesk
2008-12-22 13:02:23
Thanks. I tried it, it works nicely for Delphi personality. Do you know such a tool for C++Builder personality of post-Delphi 7 versions?
2008-12-22 13:47:41
The Structure Pane provides this information when a code window is open.
Nick Hodges
2008-12-22 15:36:24
I move cursor up and down, from one procedure to another on the code window, but nothing changes on the Structure Pane. I don't need to look at the list of procedures and move to selected, I want to know the name of the current procedure.
2008-12-23 06:26:06
Funny, nobody mentioned GExperts - that's a free addon for Delphi, works flawlessly with all editions from Personal to Architect. And has a lot useful stuff in it. Personally I don't even touch Delphi if there's no GExperts installed - but that's me :D
Matthias Hryniszak
2008-12-30 20:30:16