





I'm quite new to Iphone SDK and I have been trying to solve a problem for some time now, but I can't get it to work properly. My problem boils down to transiting from one video to another seamless. That is no flickering or stop of the video when transiting.

I've tried a bunch of different solutions. MPMoviePlayerController, AVPlayer and also splitting the movie's into images and do the animation myself.

Going for the image animation is not really viable for me since I have to much data (more that one video) that needs to be possible to display at start of application. Forcing the images to load from file into memory like here will result in a non acceptable start-up time.

I have been reading and researching a lot, but there is a lack of new (since 4.0) information about this subject.

What I wonder is if anybody has been able to loop videos (flicker free) with AVPlayer (or some third-party library), or if this is a complete dead end?

BTW: Im testing on a 3g device running IOS 4.1.