I am having a problem with binding values in my ActionScript components. I basically want to set the value of a a variable in my component to a value in the model, and have the component variable automatically update when the model value is updated. I think that I just don't fully understand how data binding works in Flex - this is not a problem when using MXML components, but, when using ActionScript classes, the binding does not work.
This is the code I'm using, where the values are not binding:
public class Type1Lists extends TwoLists
public function Type1Lists()
super.availableEntities = super.composite.availableType1Entities;
super.selectedEntities = super.composite.selectedType1Entities;
public class Type2Lists extends TwoLists
public function Type2Lists()
super.availableEntities = super.composite.availableType2Entities;
super.selectedEntities = super.composite.selectedType2Entities;
/* TwoLists.mxml */
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:HBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">
public var __model:ModelLocator = ModelLocator.getInstance();
public var composite:Composite =
public var availableEntities:ArrayCollection;
public var selectedEntities:ArrayCollection;
<mx:List id="availableEntitiesList" dataProvider="{availableEntities}" />
<mx:List id="selectedEntitiesList" dataProvider="{selectedEntities}" />