



Does anyone know how to change the ReSharper color scheme in VS2008 SP1 ?

I've looked around and all the posts out there one the internet pointed to dead-ends. JeBrains at one point told users to change the colors inside VS (Tools|Options|Fonts and Colors|Text Editor) but I don't see any Resharper items in there.


+5  A: 


In VS|Tools|Options|Environment|Fonts and Colors, ensure "Show settings for:" listbox is set to Text Editor and you will find the Resharper items.


Colby Africa

Colby Africa
I've tried that, the items are not there :(
I suggest reinstalling Resharper. I have broke my install a couple of times and found things missing that weren't fixed without a reinstall.
Colby Africa
Min have disappear too! Very weird!
Mine have disappeared, too. I guess I'll have to reinstall resharper. <sigh>
Mark Good
The problem is that you have to reinstall it every week.
P a u l
+2  A: 

Thanks Colby! Re-Installing ReSharper took care of it. For future reference, the complete scenario was:

I had a trial mode ReSharper installed, once the trial expired I purchased the license, I did not try to change the color scheme during the trial period, so I don't know if the options where there before.

After re-install I can go to Fonts and Colors and all the ReSharper options are there!

You are welcome!
Colby Africa

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