



Hi there

Just started with Sencha today and found it a bit overwhelming. Was able to get a nice custom tabbar working, and top nav panel, however am stuck from where to go.

Decided it might be a lot easier to just use JQTouch and a Phonegap TabBar instead. I found:

I'm on the latest 0.91 version of Phonegap, and the example given on that page doesn't seem to work... http: //

Does anyone have a suggestion for the best method of integrating a custom iPhone Tabbar using PhoneGap and JQTouch?

Thanks, Glen


You question is slightly confusing, as you mentioned you worked with Sencha as well. This answer is about adding a tab bar with jQTouch.

To include a tab bar in jQTouch, you'll need to download a later version of jQT then r109. Go to its GitHub to grab the latest version (currently r148).

Then refer to an answer I posted previously.

I haven't developed for PhoneGap myself, but for a pure web app, yes. Another approach you may consider is hybrid: you may develop the tab bar in a native environment and load the web app individually in a web view component (e.g. UIWebView for iPhone).