I have a linux server (Red Hat 4) with one serial port connection to an embedded linux device, and another serial port connection to a power controller for that device. My current way to control them is to open two minicom sessions, each in its own window. I would like to automate this communication through scripts. At first, I began to think how I could automate using minicom, then realized I shouldn't need to try to automate using a console application when a script should be able to speak to the port directly.
I know some Perl and some python. I do not have previous experience with modem communication (using AT commands). Perl has Device::Modem, though it's only beta, and Perl seems like a good choice because I prefer its text extraction and wrangling abilities. But, if I need to learn how to control a modem and write/debug a script, that adds more time to my task.
Is it possible/common to interactively control a console app like minicom with a script? If not, what are some good resources for me to learn how to use modem AT commands? Or is there another resource out there that could simplify things for me?