



Hi all,

I have to give functionality to select photos by the user.

I have used this.

ipc.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary;

Now I have to restrict user to select only photos and i want videos to be not displayed on the list. Or somehow user should not select video at all.

Please suggest some way out.

Thanks and Regards, Ankit


basically what you're trying to do is to set the "media types". and luckily for you imagePicker has a property just for that called "mediaTypes". :) which receives an array of media types to show for selection.

even luckily-er this is the default behaviour of ImagePicker is to show only image types.

but if you really want to make sure you can do this:

[imagePicker setMediaTypes: [NSArray arrayWithObject:kUTTypeImage]];

and don't forget to add at the top of the file... :)

#import <MobileCoreServices/UTCoreTypes.h>

but really, i think we can trust apple when they say it's they're default behavior... :)
