Check out scipy.clustering for a start. Key word searches can then give a lot of info on the different algorithms that are used there. Clustering is a big field, with a lot of research and practical applications, and a number of simple approaches that have been found to work fairly well, so you may not want to start by rolling your own.
This said, clustering algorithms are generally fairly easy to program, and if you do want to program your own, k-means and agglomerative clustering are some of the favorites that are quick to do.
Finally, I'm not sure that your idea of exactly N clusters that are bounded by a certain size is self-consistent, but it depends on exactly what you mean by "size" and "cluster" (are single points a cluster?).
Following the OP's comments below, I think that the standard clustering methods won't give an optimal solution to this problem because there's not a continuous metric for the "distance" between points that can be optimized. Although they may give a good solution or approximation in some cases. For a clustering approach I'd try k-means since the premise of this method is having a fixed N.
But instead of clustering, this seems more like a covering problem (i.e., you have N rectangles of fixed size and you're trying to cover all of the points with them), but I don't know much about these, so I'll leave it to someone else.