



Hi, i've developed a small website in rails 2.3.5 but when i wanted to deploy it on a server i started to get some issues. One of those issues is an interpolation problem. Whenever i want to format a date using i18n i'm getting this exception: ActionView::TemplateError (missing interpolation argument in "%{count} %B %Y, %H:%M" ({:object=>Fri, 08 Oct 2010 20:18:17 UTC +00:00} given)) on line #10 of app/views/contact/archive.html.erb:

This is the code that throws this exception: <strong><%= t :created_at %>:</strong> <%=l contact.created_at, :format => :long %> <br />

I've looked on google and found this has something to do with an update of the i18n plugin (0.4.0) and this version was indeed installed on the server. Any idea how i can fix this issue? Because i couldn't find an answer anywhere.

kind regards,


+1  A: 

Hi, if you're using i18n 0.4.0, you should upgrade Rails to the 2.3.6+ version. Take a look at for more information.

Štefan Ľupták