I'm thinking about implementing source control at my work. Ideally, I wanted to use Subversion since it seems to be the tool of choice at the moment. However, I seem to have hit a brick wall since it just isn't practical for all our developers to work in local environments. We do web development with Coldfusion and use a shared development server. Changes made to files can quickly be refreshed in the browser.
Our company maintains over 100 sites, and our development server mirrors all these sites on production. We often have to make quick tweaks to 1 of these 100, test it and quickly upload it to production. If we had to download a given site locally, set it up in our local webserver, these small changes would become more time consuming tasks. Also, often are copywriters and less technical folk will want to go into an html page and change copy. This is straightforward in our current shared server setup.
A long time ago we used a source control called NGSource, when you checked a project into the repository, it changed the file permissions to read only. We'd check the file out to the shared dev server, and it would change the permission to read and write. We'd all check the repository to make sure someone wasn't working on a file we thought to work on. This worked well and was explainable to copywriters. The problem was that NGsource client was slow and they might be out of business as far as I know.
So is there a way to implement this changing of file permissions on check in and check out with Subversion? If not, is there a better open source solution? Is it so bad to develop in a shared environment and skip developing locally?