I've set up an SVN repo and I've downloaded the free version of Versions. Now, how do I get started with Versions? I get an error when I try to create a repo bookmark.
Have you created a new repository on the server? The error you got may indicate that there is not yet a Subversion repository at that location.
Greg Hewgill
2010-10-10 18:59:19
not sure, how do I do that?
Justin Meltzer
2010-10-10 19:02:07
What Subversion server did you install? If it's the standard one, then the `svn init` command is what you're looking for. Otherwise, Versions might have commands to do the same thing, but I'm not familiar with it.
Greg Hewgill
2010-10-10 19:03:37
i don't know if ive installed a subversion server or not...
Justin Meltzer
2010-10-10 19:18:44
@Justin Meltzer: It sounds like you're pretty new to Subversion. I recommend having a look through the [Subversion book](http://svnbook.red-bean.com/) which describes what it means to set up a server and how you would go about doing that.
Greg Hewgill
2010-10-10 21:53:46
checkout svn edge. Its more easier to manage. However to use subversion you need to know version control concepts. Also if you brief about your usage, can give you more useful links. Of course subversion book is the best place to start with.
Version Control Buddy
2010-10-12 10:26:43
@CharlesB: there is no explicit mentioning of Mac in the question.
Version Control Buddy
2010-10-12 16:14:14
Using Versions to connect to our SVN server is great. I would say I haven't seen a better SVN client for the Mac, so hopefully this will help:
So here's what I did to set up each of my repos:
- Start Versions, and created a new REPOSITORY (bookmark to a URL)
- You can name it something convenient, I try to use no spaces in my name.
- Location should be the URL to your actual repository http://svnserver.blah/svn/repo-name
- Enter username and password if you need to.
- Then, once it creates the bookmark to a repository, you should highlight it on the left of your Versions window and "check out" a copy of it. Even if it's an empty repo, Versions will ask you what local folder you want to use to store the local copy.
- You can move files to your local folder using the Finder, and then when you look back in versions you'll see your files with "?" icons. Highlight any/all of those you want to add and click the ADD button (upper-right).
- Finally, you can COMMIT any files you highlight (or just click on the folder itself at the top) and you will sync your changes to the server copy. It will ask you for a note/comment if you want to add one.
- Likewise if this is a shared repo, when you start Versions you'll see a highlighted number next to your repository if new files have been added. In that case, press the UPDATE button and the remote files will be synced to your local copy.
2010-10-12 15:15:10