



I am displaying gamecenter achievements using [myRootController presentModalViewController:mAchievementsController animated:YES]; for iphone it is displaying modalView of size 320*480 But for ipad it is not displaying modalView of size (1024*768). How to present GKAchievementViewController so it will display 1024*768 in iPad?

+1  A: 

well i have the same problem, i could show the view controller in 1024*768, but just the background,i can´t change or remove the wood frame provided by apple.

viewController = [[GCController alloc] init];
viewController.view = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] openGLView];
achievements.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationFullScreen;
achievements.achievementDelegate = viewController;
[viewController presentModalViewController: achievements animated: YES];

Any solution¿?¿?

Its not the proper way... Apple may fix this in GM 4.2 lets see...
Chandan Shetty SP