




I need to run a programmme, let say ./a for 10 times in the linux shell. What is the command to do that?

Also, how could I differentiate the output from different processes?

Besides, my ./a is a continual process. How could I terminate it?


+3  A: 

Make a loop that starts the program 10 times in the background:

for i in $(seq 1 10) ; do
 ./a &

Also, how could I differentiate the output from different processes?

You can't easily do that, the output can be interwined. Redirect the output of each process to a different file rather, e.g.

for i in $(seq 1 10) ; do
 ./a >output.$i  &

As a oneliner, you'd run

for i in $(seq 1 10) ; do ./a >output.$i  & done

to kill those processes later:

for i in $(seq 1 10) ; do kill %$i ; done
doh. you were first.
in bash, you can use {1..10} instead of calling external command
+3  A: 

In bash you can do:

for ((i=1;i<=10;i++)); do

  # run the command ./a and redirect its output to a file named after
  # its sequence number...like out1.txt, out2.txt...
  ./a > out$i.txt &   


The key here is the & which runs the command in the background. Without the & the 2nd ./a will be started after the fist got completed, effectively making it serial execution. But with &, we don't wait for one invocation of ./a to complete before we launch another one and that is how we achieve parallelism.

Thanks for the reply. My ./a is a continual process. How could I terminate it? It seems like ctrl C does not terminate all the process
If you want to be able to kill the processes on ctrl+c, then use the $! variable to obtain the pids, and then a subsequent loop with pgrep to watch them until they complete, and a trap with pkill in a loop to kill the individual processes. Here's some useful links in case you need them: http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/sect_12_02.html http://www.tutorialspoint.com/unix/unix-special-variables.htm
You can view all the background jobs in a shell with the `jobs` command. You can bring one of them to the foreground, by running `%4` , 4 is the job number here. You can kill that job by running `kill %4` . To make the current foreground job into a background job, hit CTRL+Z, and run `bg` (that is, if you ran the loop posted here directly in the shell, not in a separate shell script)
+1  A: 
for i in {1..10}
  ./a > "out_${i}.txt" &

to terminate a, you can use pkill a

How is `pkill` different from a normal kill?
@gameover: it does exactly the same, but also accepts the process name as argument (or even a regex).
And by default `pkill` does a substring match on the process name, so literally using `pkill a` is likely to kill a lot of processes.
of course i am not with the idea of naming the program "a" to begin with.

Assuming you use Bash or compatible shell, the special variable $! holds the process ID of the last process you made asynchronous. Augumenting nos' answer, I'd suggest using

for i in $(seq 1 10) ; do
    ./a 1> stdout.$i 2> stderr.$i &
    echo $! > pid.$i

Now you have error output in stdout.X, error output in stderr.X and the process ID in pid.X so you can kill it with

kill `cat pid.X`

or even kill all processes with

for i in $(seq 1 10) ; do
    kill `cat pid.$i`

All of the other answers are fine so far, but you amy also want to try repeat, if supported by your system:

repeat 10 ./a

Here to differentiate outputs, unfortunately, you won't be able to use a counter variable. You can however use a timestamp:

repeat 10 ./a  >> output_`date +%N`

That being said, the behavior of date for anything below the second mark is unspecified, so that's not the most reliable way. A bit easier than to write a for loop though.
