



Do you plan on using Factor? Have you looked at it? Checked it out. Do you understand stack oriented programming?

+3  A: 

I can't talk about factor specifically, but I have done a lot with HP Calculators. The stack-based RPN language it comes with is quite sophisticated. A ton of software has been written for these calculators.

+7  A: 

Factor looks interesting, but it badly needs more introductory tutorials and articles.

Dev er dev
I'm trying to address that
+13  A: 

fun for aside language based stack a in point the see don't I but, Forth resembles it and briefly Factor studied I.

I see what you did there...
Yoda like speak do I?
Jonathan Leffler
Ah, postfix notation.
Cristián Romo
I see what you did thar.
+2  A: 

I am considering using Factor for my next big non-work project. I was trying to choose between Factor, OCaml, D and Python. Normally, Python is my language of choice, but for this I'm looking for something different. I was considering D (I used C++ for a good many years and wanted to use D as a cleaner C++), but it doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for really.

That leaves OCaml and Factor and I'm having a tough time deciding. OCaml would be slightly easier for me to get to grips with, as my concatenative programming is a bit rusty and I also quite like the language a lot, but Factor keeps drawing me in too (and I'm a big fan of concatenative languages). Hrm indecision..

UPDATE: I have since decided to learn Factor properly and use it for my upcoming large personal project. In the meantime, I am working on some of the problems from Programming Challenges in Factor.

UPDATE 2: Factor didn't quite cut it.. Not because of the language, the language is great and I recommend everyone to take a look at it. The reason was Qt bindings. This was an important deal breaker for me. I would bind Qt myself and contribute it, but then I have two projects instead of one and I simply don't have the time. So, sorry Factor. I wrote the code in C++ instead, but I'm now considering either porting it to Clojure or writing future code in Clojure.

Choose Clojure. :)
I didn't like Clojure very much when I looked at it. Then again, I only glanced at it really, so I guess my evaluation was less than fair.
Interestingly enough, I took another look at Clojure since and... I love it! You were totally right, its a great language and theres a good chance I'll be suing it for my projects now. :-P
Yeah, Clojure rocks.
Admittedly, you told me that all along.. maybe I should have listened ;-) But yes - yes it does! 1.1 is niiiice and Rich is doing a brilliant job. Also looking forward to Chouser's book.
+3  A: 

I intend to learn it after finishing my Clojure learning adventures.


After many moons, I've been using Factor for some stuff lately, and I'll say it's an amazing language. The only issue is the still-standing issue related to very little in the way of GUI tools. The Factor UI toolkit is seriously lacking a lot of common things, and there are no bindings to any toolkit in existence as of this writing. This would probably be a deal breaker for any real-world desktop application.

+3  A: 

I have been using Factor for a few months, and it is really an impressive language.

It feels like a blend of Forth (obviously), Smalltalk (image-based, highly reflective, "integrated" IDE), and LISP (code-as-data, syntax-level abstractions, REPL).. and to some extent, languages such as Python or Ruby, with a strong emphasis on pragmatism and openess (eg. "batteries included").

Moreover the performance seems to be important for the designers, as a lot of work have been spent on the optimizing compiler, much like the SBCL implementation of Common Lisp.

The project still suffers a bit from his youngness, with some frequent language changes, parts of the system underdocumented, and a relatively small community. But even at this stage, I think it feels mature enough to start some non trivial stuff.

Gabriel Cuvillier