




I have a maven pom in which I've define some profiles. Each profile defines its own configuration for executing an exec:java goal. This exec:java invokes a java program that will do some work, which does not relies upon artifact compilation (but what I find very useful to put in maven pom).

What I would like to do is have Hudson compile my java program, then invoke all these profile's exec:java tasks. How can I do that ?


Use a matrix project with a single axis (and as much values as profiles) and use property based profile activation.

Pascal Thivent
Are matrix Project offered by a Hudson plugin ? I can find no way to create one using my Hudson 1.379.
@Riduidel I don't have a Hudson under the hand to give detailed steps but IIRC it's not a plugin, it's a job type.
Pascal Thivent
OK, I found it, it's called in french "multi-configuration project" ... not that explicit.