I am porting an application to Windows 7 which used the glCopyTexSubImage2D function on the frontbuffer to capture the result of any other application into a texture in order to do some manipulation (masking, dynamic effects) independently from the source application and then to display the result on the output screen.
I guess that Windows 7 (and its new "Windows Display Driver Model") has seperate virtual front buffers for each application, so this call does not work anymore.
For now I am thinking about these two alternatives:
- using the windows api call "GetDIBits" which might be very slow
- using a capture card to capture the output from the other app
I think both soultions would be slower than the glCopyTexSubImage2D call...
What do you think about it? Are there any other possibilities to access the frontbuffer of an other application on Windows 7? Changing the "source app(s)" is not a soultion in this case, because the system should work with every kind of new source application.
Best regards!