



Can you describe the naming convention difference between a method that returns an object it has allocated for the caller (and that the caller should release), and a method that returns an autorelease object?

If you declare a property with a retain attribute, do you need to release the property before you set it to nil?

What does the @synthesize directive do?

+1  A: 

memory allocation information and naming can be found here

synthesize is documented here

The apple website has excellent documentation, I would recommend searching there first.

Aaron Saunders
+3  A: 

From apple documentation

You only release or autorelease objects you own. You take ownership of an object if you create it using a method whose name begins with “alloc” or “new” or contains “copy” (for example, alloc, newObject, or mutableCopy), or if you send it a retain message.

You use release or autorelease to relinquish ownership of an object. autorelease just means “send a release message in the future” (to understand when this will be, see “Autorelease Pools”).

Your second two questions are related. All that @synthesize does is to generate additional methods for your implementation file. The arguments to @property (nonatomic, retain) NSString* myString; define the behavior of the generated methods. For example, if you declare a property as retain, the setMyString generated method will retain its argument.

Nonatomic is important because properties, by default, are threadsafe. If you don't need thread safety, you can remove a lot of overhead in your accessor methods.

Finally, the implementation of a retain property is

- (void) setMyString:(NSString*)newString {
    [newString retain];
    [myString release];
    myString = newString;

So, saying self.myString = nil effectively releases myString for you. Many people advocate using = nil for retained properties, as opposed to [property release], though I think it just comes down to personal preference.

+1  A: 

A good source for memory allocation is listed below by Aaron.

Regarding @synthesize:

Say you have a property P, what you will have to do is write a getter and a setter for it. There are a few common approaches, one of which is that you retain that object when you set that property and release the old value. E.g:

- (void)setP:(PClass *)value
  [value retain];
  [_pInstanceVariable release];
  _pInstanceVariable = value;

Since this is a very common piece of code, the compiler can automate it for you, if you specify the retain keyword in property declaration and then do the @synthesize in you implementation. The compiler will generate the above mentioned code which means your code will be a lot cleaner without tedious repeating parts.

Same holds true for getters, unless you want something more complex than:

- (PClass *)p
  return _pInstanceVariable;

the @synthesize will do the job

The setter implementation here is technically incorrect. You always need to retain the value passed into a setter method before releasing your instance variable. If you don't, your app will crash if the object passed in is the same object that's already been stored in your variable.
You are right John! thanks for the correction