



When I add a subview to a UIView, or when I resize an existing subview, I would expect [view sizeToFit] and [view sizeThatFits] to reflect that change. However, my experience is that sizeToFit does nothing, and sizeThatFits returns the same value before and after the change.

My test project has a single view that contains a single button. Clicking the button adds another button to the view and then calls sizeToFit on the containing view. The bounds of the view are dumped to the console before and after adding the subview.

- (void) logSizes {
 NSLog(@"theView.bounds: %@", NSStringFromCGRect(theView.bounds));
 NSLog(@"theView.sizeThatFits: %@", NSStringFromCGSize([theView sizeThatFits:CGSizeZero])); 

- (void) buttonTouched { 
 [self logSizes];
 UIButton *btn = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeRoundedRect];
 btn.frame = CGRectMake(10.0f, 100.0f, 400.0f, 600.0f);
 [theView addSubview:btn];
 [theView sizeToFit];
 [self performSelector:@selector(logSizes) withObject:nil afterDelay:1.0];

And the output is:

2010-10-15 15:40:42.359 SizeToFit[14953:207] theView.bounds: {{0, 0}, {322, 240}}
2010-10-15 15:40:42.387 SizeToFit[14953:207] theView.sizeThatFits: {322, 240}
2010-10-15 15:40:43.389 SizeToFit[14953:207] theView.bounds: {{0, 0}, {322, 240}}
2010-10-15 15:40:43.391 SizeToFit[14953:207] theView.sizeThatFits: {322, 240}

I must be missing something here.


+1  A: 

The documentation is pretty clear on this. -sizeToFit pretty much calls -sizeThatFits: (probably with the view's current size as the argument), and the default implementation of -sizeThatFits: does almost nothing (it just returns its argument).

Some UIView subclasses override -sizeThatFits: to do something more useful (e.g. UILabel). If you want any other functionality (such as resizing a view to fit its subviews), you should subclass UIView and override -sizeThatFits:.

Ole Begemann
Thanks Ole. Should have read the docs more closely rather than looking at code snippets that relied on the overridden behavior in a particular subclass of UIView.
Tobias Patton