



Does anyone have any piece of software that actually does a good job of help? I've seen some good ideas out there but by and large help files do not do "what it says on the tin" i.e. They just aren't "helpful."

Lets face it, help files are so 80s, does anyone read them? As software developers we know people don't read them, so we don't take pride in writing them. This lack of pride means they have become even more worthless and ... we are stuck in an endless cycle of bad help.

Here's a few of good ideas I've seen:

  • I like the idea behind visual studio's dynamic help (multiple help topics for each context with less specific topics appearing further down the list)

  • Ableton Live shows help in a small window while you are clicking around in the software and you keep noticing new useful things it says. Also has some training videos built in.

  • Putting training videos on Youtube

But apart from that it's mainly just tat. (Yes even including clippy!!)

OK that's my rant over, the question is simply this...

-Does anyone out there have any good ideas for how to do help? -OR Has anyone seen any good examples of better help?

I'm trying to build a new way of doing help for the software we write at my company and I have some ideas but I'm eager to see what people are doing out there that works.

Thanks, Mike G

+2  A: 

I do a couple of things for my software projects:

  1. I write an actual manual (in Word, generally)
  2. I make PowerPoints with lots of screenshot walkthroughs and examples (this works really well for people who won't read the manual).

I haven't written a help file in about 20 years.

For development, I use online resources like MSDN. I never use the help that is integrated with Visual Studio (I find it useless). I have seen other software writers put up online help, and I find that it is generally pretty good.

Abelton Live's help is awesome. But I wonder how much work it is to put together a help system that is that good.

Robert Harvey
If users doesn't read the help file, do they read the manual? I've had users that "refuse" to read anything at all. They will easily send me a screenshot of the error dialog that has the first line of text, in bold, that says "An error has occured, click Send below to send it to me so I can fix it.". There's no helping computer-phobia.
Lasse V. Karlsen
@Lasse users will read the manual if deprived of other means of support, and under pressure to do stuff.
@Lasse: See my bullet point two. I used to work in support, and the PowerPoints were my remedy for people who wanted to be taught how to use the program over the phone. They work, too. I also am a fan of online help. People are conditioned to Google nowadays, and if it's online, they might actually read it.
Robert Harvey
+1: I like the PowerPoint walkthrough. I'll definately put that on my list (although I might export to PDF :-)!
André Caron
Hi Robert, I assume powerpoint it for training or do you mean just to give the slides to the end users? We do instructor basd training and we also do a manual (Few varieties quick-start guide and a full refeernce manaual sometimes with a user and Poweruser/admin flavours) But we usually just make the manuals using robohelp and output it to both word and chm. I think one of our main problems is we have an excellent support desk, so the users phone first then read later!!
@MikeG; The PowerPoints are essentially complete walkthroughs, the equivalent of a manual. So no, they are not summaries; they contain detailed instructions (mostly screenshots with red arrows and circles highlighting things, and just enough text to describe what is happening).
Robert Harvey
At my last job, I made eight PowerPoints (corresponding to various major sections of the program); each PowerPoint was about 200 slides long.
Robert Harvey
+1  A: 

I've more than once successfully used the help part of the applications.

  • The help system part of Microsoft 2007 Office suite (Word, Excel, ...) and I'm also encouraging my co-workers to do so. The usually don't and ask me, who finds the answers that way. Thing is: they don't know how to formulate a question so that the help system finds the answers ...
  • VMWare configurations: To be honest, I got better results consulting the context help within the dialogs then asking "google" or alike (which indicates I usually ask google first and try the apps later ...)

It didn't matter how the actual help system was integrated (within the app, company website), it just mattered how well it was organized and how understandable it is.

On the contrary, I've never found any help as part of the Windows OS to be useful at all. It's non-technical mumbo-jumbo is something I just don't get, looking for more technical, educated, answers.

The help system in Office is very good. The problem is, the search facility is *not.* Google is better, which is why I *always* solve my Office questions online.
Robert Harvey
@Robert: No point arguing in that :) It just happened to me that, for the MS Office example, had other experiences. It's just very subjective I guess.
Office help is good but I tend not to need it, I find out most stuff by intuition and exploration, then google search for other harder less obvious stuff. I suppose if office wasn't in use by 1/2 the world google wouldn't be so helpful, as for my own apps, I don't think I have the users base for google to be useful.

The best way to avoid help files of any kind is to build software and/or hardware needing no help at all. Do you need help on iPhone?

That's true, but there comes a point where software is not self-describing anymore. IPhone and IPad apps do not need help because they are very simple. Try doing that with an accounting or ERP application.
Robert Harvey
In that case, you don't need help files but at least paperback user's and reference manuals and at best a hotline contract with the provider.
I'm sorry, but even the iPhone does not achieve that goal *perfectly*. I've had to Google how to type in French accents when the autocompletion fails because "résume" and "résumé" are both valid French words. Also, the "intuitiveness" of the UI does not explain to you that you can't drag application icons across screens without passing through iTunes.
André Caron

If you have to write a help you have already failed in your program design. Have you ever seen a help menu on your iphone or on facebook? Millions of average Joe people use them every day without problem.

Help files/user manuals was required in the 80s when it was to complex to display proper guiding on the screen when you need it, even getting a volume-bar displayed on your tv was considered premium. It was simply technically infeasible to do anything else than "hold menu and function for 3 seconds to calibrate channels"

Now it's different, you've got millions of colorful pixels, standardized gui-widgets and high level code to play with. It is as easy to create a wizard as it is to write a help-page.

Ok, wizards might not be the most attractive solution always but you can still create easy menus and give information where it's needed, when it's needed. First run tutorials that show where to start looking is pretty good and after that the user usually finds their way by themselves. But this post is turning more into program design than help file design so i'll end here.

Edit: To add something constructive i just remembered this:

Ninja rhino
IPhone applications and FaceBook do not need help because they are very simple applications. But what about complex applications such as accounting and ERP? There comes a point where software is not self-describing anymore. The easiest (and most critical) mistake that any software developer can make is to assume that what is intuitively simple for the developer is also simple for the user.
Robert Harvey
This argument mainly applies to *simple* usage. Documentation is always necessary for more advanced taks. If I told you to write a Facebook connect client without their online documentation, you would probably be in a pinch!
André Caron
Like the coding horror incremental search idea, thanks
I agree with the idea that an app thats so good it doesn't need help is something we should all be stiving for. But I too write complex large systems, that do complex things for many different levels of user, some of the screens for example are wizards that do a job once or twice a year for a power user, I'm afraid I can't imagine that screen not needing help. For me this is about how to keep support desk calls/emails down.
Thanks everyone for your answers and suggestions, this one gets the big green tick for the link to incremental search.