Relatively new with SVN. I am using svn on local system (OpenSuSE 11.3). I have already created a repo folder with svn. Access repository with file:///path . I am having problems with files bring copied from repo and commit to repo
In my workplace folder I cannot see the files from repo after running the checkout command
svn checkout file:///home/svn/projects/
In my workplace after creating a test file called "testing" and adding it to the svn via
svn add testing
I can see the .svn folder being created in the same directory. However after committing the file
svn commit testing
I am taken to vi with
--This line, and those below, will be ignored--
A testing
after copying the A testing to before the line and exiting vi with :wq I get
Sending testing
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 1.
However back in the repo (/home/svn/projects) I cannot locate the file. My svn is also handling another repo directory but that one is empty and the file doesn't go there either.