I've read through this article, and what I take from it is that when you want to call a pointer to a member function, you need an instance (either a pointer to one or a stack-reference) and call it so:
My question is based on this: since you have the instance, why not call the member function directly, like so:
instance.mem_func(..) //or: instance->mem_func(..)
What is the rational/practical use of pointers to member functions?
I'm playing with X-development & reached the stage where I am implementing widgets; the event-loop-thread for translating the X-events to my classes & widgets needs to start threads for each widget/window when an event for them arrives; to do this properly I thought I needed function-pointers to the event-handlers in my classes.
Not so: what I did discover was that I could do the same thing in a much clearer & neater way by simply using a virtual base class. No need whatsoever for pointers to member-functions. It was while developing the above that the doubt about the practical usability/meaning of pointers to member-functions arose.
The simple fact that you need a reference to an instance in order to use the member-function-pointer, obsoletes the need for one.
[edit - @sbi & others]
Here is a sample program to illustrate my point: (Note specifically 'Handle_THREE()')
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
class Base
~Base() {}
virtual void Handler(std::string sItem) = 0;
typedef void (Base::*memfunc)(std::string);
class Paper : public Base
Paper() {}
~Paper() {}
virtual void Handler(std::string sItem) { std::cout << "Handling paper\n"; }
class Wood : public Base
Wood() {}
~Wood() {}
virtual void Handler(std::string sItem) { std::cout << "Handling wood\n"; }
class Glass : public Base
Glass() {}
~Glass() {}
virtual void Handler(std::string sItem) { std::cout << "Handling glass\n"; }
std::map< std::string, memfunc > handlers;
void AddHandler(std::string sItem, memfunc f) { handlers[sItem] = f; }
std::map< Base*, memfunc > available_ONE;
void AddAvailable_ONE(Base *p, memfunc f) { available_ONE[p] = f; }
std::map< std::string, Base* > available_TWO;
void AddAvailable_TWO(std::string sItem, Base *p) { available_TWO[sItem] = p; }
void Handle_ONE(std::string sItem)
memfunc f = handlers[sItem];
if (f)
std::map< Base*, memfunc >::iterator it;
Base *inst = NULL;
for (it=available_ONE.begin(); ((it != available_ONE.end()) && (inst==NULL)); it++)
if (it->second == f) inst = it->first;
if (inst) (inst->*f)(sItem);
else std::cout << "No instance of handler for: " << sItem << "\n";
else std::cout << "No handler for: " << sItem << "\n";
void Handle_TWO(std::string sItem)
memfunc f = handlers[sItem];
if (f)
Base *inst = available_TWO[sItem];
if (inst) (inst->*f)(sItem);
else std::cout << "No instance of handler for: " << sItem << "\n";
else std::cout << "No handler for: " << sItem << "\n";
void Handle_THREE(std::string sItem)
Base *inst = available_TWO[sItem];
if (inst) inst->Handler(sItem);
else std::cout << "No handler for: " << sItem << "\n";
int main()
Paper p;
Wood w;
Glass g;
AddHandler("Paper", (memfunc)(&Paper::Handler));
AddHandler("Wood", (memfunc)(&Wood::Handler));
AddHandler("Glass", (memfunc)(&Glass::Handler));
AddAvailable_ONE(&p, (memfunc)(&Paper::Handler));
AddAvailable_ONE(&g, (memfunc)(&Glass::Handler));
AddAvailable_TWO("Paper", &p);
AddAvailable_TWO("Glass", &g);
std::cout << "\nONE: (bug due to member-function address being relative to instance address)\n";
std::cout << "\nTWO:\n";
std::cout << "\nTHREE:\n";
{edit] Potential problem with direct-call in above example:
In Handler_THREE() the name of the method must be hard-coded, forcing changes to be made anywhere that it is used, to apply any change to the method. Using a pointer to member-function the only additional change to be made is where the pointer is created.
[edit] Practical uses gleaned from the answers:
From answer by Chubsdad:
What: A dedicated 'Caller'-function is used to invoke the mem-func-ptr;
Benefit: To protect code using function(s) provided by other objects
How: If the particular function(s) are used in many places and the name and/or parameters change, then you only need to change the name where it is allocated as pointer, and adapt the call in the 'Caller'-function. (If the function is used as instance.function() then it must be changed everywhere.)
From answer by Matthew Flaschen:
What: Local specialization in a class
Benefit: Makes the code much clearer,simpler and easier to use and maintain
How: Replaces code that would conventionally be implement using complex logic with (potentially) large switch()/if-then statements with direct pointers to the specialization; fairly similar to the 'Caller'-function above.