There is a way with the IF command to include a variable in a set of values?
What I mean is:
IF %%i in (abc 123 opl) echo first set
IF %%i in (xyz 456 bnm) echo second set
There is a way with the IF command to include a variable in a set of values?
What I mean is:
IF %%i in (abc 123 opl) echo first set
IF %%i in (xyz 456 bnm) echo second set
You can use the for
statement do do this. Here's a script which lets you run it with something like:
myprog 456
and it will output in set 2
@setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
@echo off
for %%a in (abc 123 opl) do (
if "x%%a"=="x%1" echo in set 1
for %%a in (xyz 456 bnm) do (
if "x%%a"=="x%1" echo in set 2
from the command line:
C:\Users\preet>set val=99
C:\Users\preet>for %f in (100 99 21) do @if (%f)==(%val%) echo found it %f
found it 99
In a batch file
set val=99
for %%f in (100 99 21) do @if (%%f)==(%val%) echo found it %%f
And you are also not restricted to just batch in a Windows machine. There is also vbscript (and powershell). Here's how you can check using vbscript
strVar = WScript.Arguments(0)
Set dictfirst = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set dictsecond = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dictfirst.Add "abc",1
dictfirst.Add "123",1
dictfirst.Add "opl",1
dictsecond.Add "xyz",1
dictsecond.Add "456",1
dictsecond.Add "bnm",1
If dictfirst.Exists(strVar) Then
WScript.Echo strVar & " exists in first set"
ElseIf dictsecond.Exists(strVar) Then
WScript.Echo strVar & " exists in second set"
WScript.Echo strVar & " doesn't exists in either sets"
End If
C:\test>cscript //nologo test.vbs abc
abc exists in first set
C:\test>cscript //nologo test.vbs xyz
xyz exists in second set
C:\test>cscript //nologo test.vbs peter
peter doesn't exists in either sets