For practical reasons and reasonable values of n
you're best of with a ring-buffer of primitive int
s (to keep track of oldest entry), and a linear scan for determining how many values are smaller than x
In order for this to be in O(log n)
you would have to use something like Guavas TreeMultiset. Here is an outline of how it would look.
class Statistics {
private final static int N = 180;
Queue<Integer> queue = new LinkedList<Integer>();
SortedMap<Integer, Integer> counts = new TreeMap<Integer, Integer>();
public int insertAndGetSmallerCount(int x) {
queue.add(x); // O(1)
counts.put(x, getCount(x) + 1); // O(log N)
int lessCount = 0; // O(N), unfortunately
for (int i : counts.headMap(x).values()) // use Guavas TreeMultiset
lessCount += i; // for O(log n)
if (queue.size() > N) { // O(1)
int oldest = queue.remove(); // O(1)
int newCount = getCount(oldest) - 1; // O(log N)
if (newCount == 0)
counts.remove(oldest); // O(log N)
counts.put(oldest, newCount); // O(log N)
return lessCount;
private int getCount(int x) {
return counts.containsKey(x) ? counts.get(x) : 0;
On my 1.8 GHz laptop, this solution performs 1,000,000 iterations on about 13 seconds (i.e. one iteration takes about 0.013 ms, well under 100 ms).