What structures of Scala can be used more efficiently than in Java, to increase execution speed? I don't know if this is possible, but to clear my doubts :)
What structures of Scala can be used more efficiently than in Java, to increase execution speed? I don't know if this is possible, but to clear my doubts :)
The scala @specialized annotation can generate multiple versions of a class, fine-tuned with specific primitive types. You can write all of that out in Java, but you probably don't want to.
As of 2.9, the parallel collections library is slated to be part of the standard distribution. This will allow extremely simple distribution of so-called "embarrassingly parallel" problems over multiple cores. Doing so in Java takes considerably more effort.
As a general rule, Scala benchmarks range from moderately slower than Java to slightly faster, depending on the problem and coding techniques.
To expand on Ross's answer, you can use @specialized to generate specific versions of a collection. For instance, in Java you'd generally use fastutil or Apache Primitives for collections of primitives. Scala's @specialized will generate these variants for you and hide them automatically like so:
class MyLinkedList[@specialized T] (args: T*) {
// whatever it does
Other than that, actors make it easier to write concurrent applications. Coming up in 2.9 are parallel collections, which can apply higher-order functions in parallel across collections, speeding up any place you'd have the Scala equivalent of a Java loop (fold, foreach, etc). See this ScalaDays talk for the nitty-gritty on this.
I'll refrain from speculation on how the resulting performance might differ from an equivalent Java construct, but Scala does closure elimination, which might make a measurable difference, modulo HotSpot tricks.
Also stay tuned for Iulian's thesis which should be out soon and will provide a lot more information on the subject of Scala optimization.