



I am currently working on an application that generates code dynamically depending on the options wich select the final user. I'm looking for a disclaimer-warning text, that i can include in the header of the code generated by my application, ideally should also indicate that there is no liability for any damage or loss of data . something like.

// <auto-generated>
//     This code was generated by a tool.
//     Version:
//     Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
//     the code is regenerated.
// </auto-generated>

Where can find this type of disclaimers?


I typically put any Disclaimers or Warnings in the README and a separate Disclaimer file, and make sure to not them in the header comments. I would also take a look at some other "Open Source" software TOS's to get an idea of what to include.


When you import a tlb file, the generated language file usually has such a disclaimer, at least for the "modifications will be lost" part:

// ************************************************************************ //
// WARNING                                                                    
// -------                                                                    
// The types declared in this file were generated from data read from a       
// Type Library. If this type library is explicitly or indirectly (via        
// another type library referring to this type library) re-imported, or the   
// 'Refresh' command of the Type Library Editor activated while editing the   
// Type Library, the contents of this file will be regenerated and all        
// manual modifications will be lost.                                         
// ************************************************************************ //
Marjan Venema