Apologies for all the simple questions but they are born of my sudden and unplanned migration from flex 3 to flex 4.
Ok I have a combo box which I would like to show a list of selectable check boxes.
<s:ComboBox x="181" y="-7" width="233" id="dropISLIST" itemRenderer="IsListFilterCheckBox" dataProvider="{GetIsList.lastResult.ReportFilterList.ReportFilter}" color="#000000"/>
To this end I have built the following item renderer.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:ItemRenderer xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
autoDrawBackground="true" width="142" height="22">
<s:CheckBox x="0" y="2" label="{data}" color="#000000"/>
Now that all works fine, how ever, I can not "Check" a box, what I would like to be able to do is have the user be able to select a number of check boxes. And then also figure out what they have checked.
Any help in this regard would be greatly apreciated thank you so much in advance.
Regards Craig