



I'm looking for a non-comparison or comparison based algorithm that can sort an array containing any permutation of the first n positive integers, which should be O(n) time complexity and O(1) space complexity.

Is there an existing algorithm that fits these specifications?

+2  A: 

if you have an array of size N with all integers from say 1 to N present, you can use the following O(n) algorithm (Note: arrays are 1 based for the sake of this pseudocode so as not to introduce unnecessary complexity in explaining the algorithm):

  1. Start at the first array element.
  2. If it's array index matches it's value, go to the next one.
  3. If not, swap it with the value at the array index corresponding to its value.
  4. Repeat step 3, until no more swaps are necessary.
  5. If not at the end of the array, go to the next array element, otherwise go to step 7
  6. Go to step 2.
  7. Done
Michael Goldshteyn
@Michael Goldshteyn: if you have an array of length N which contains all the integers from 1 to N, why would you sort it at all when you could just write the integers in order into the array ?
High Performance Mark
@Mark, Perhaps he is considering the case where the integers are merely keys for the records. Here, just writing the integers in order won't help put the associated records in sorted order.
Kedar Soparkar
yes, I am considering the case where the integers are keys, sorry for not mentioning that
@Michael Goldshteyn the algorithm you described, does it have a name, is it "in place MSD Radix sort as Kedar Soparkar mentioned.
The MSD Radix sort is a completely different bit based algorithm. To be perfectly honest, the algorithm I described probably has a name, but I just came up with it off of the top of my head, because for an experienced developer it just seems like an obvious approach.
Michael Goldshteyn
@fmunshi: His algorithm is a counting sort optimized for your conditions.
Eric Towers
+2  A: 

In-place MSD radix sort

Kedar Soparkar
That algorithm is beautiful in its simplicity. I'll have to find an excuse to use it some day.
Mark Ransom