I want to hide/remove the up and down arrows from the scrollbar - how can i do that?
the scrollbar is to fat - the skin i am using is not that fat. How can i make the scrollbar thiner.
I want to hide/remove the up and down arrows from the scrollbar - how can i do that?
the scrollbar is to fat - the skin i am using is not that fat. How can i make the scrollbar thiner.
up-arrow-skin: ClassReference( null );
down-arrow-skin: ClassReference( null );
up-arrow-skin: ClassReference( null );
down-arrow-skin: ClassReference( null );
hi, i you have to do this , as u can see in view1, the btns r thr, in view2, they r removed as i have put this css.
and as far as sknning is concerned u need to have proper skins, make it a bit smaller, mine is thumb is too not smooth
n e ways, i hope it helps, tc
Ankur Sharma