




I have two servers, A and B. A has the repo and can ssh to B. B is a new server I want to have the repo, but cannot ssh to A. I've tried copying the repo, create a remote to push, git clone with a -u... any suggestions?


One way which'll set B up as a remote to A, would be to install gitosis on B and then push the repo from A to B.

For more on gitosis, see http://scie.nti.st/2007/11/14/hosting-git-repositories-the-easy-and-secure-way. If you're using git but not gitosis, you're missing out!

Graham Perks
Thanks, I'll take a look at gitosis and see what I'm missing out on.
I installed gitosis and was able to push the repo to the external server. Thanks!

What do you mean when you say you've tried copying? Have you tried using scp like so?

scp -R path/to/repo/on/A user@B:desired/path/to/repo/on/B

Note that the path following : is relative to the user's home directory unless it begins with a /.

Jeremy W. Sherman
I've tried copying the repo over, both with scp and tar the folder first. I can get the files there, but then when I try a git log of the new repo, there are fatal errors.
+1  A: 

Create empty repository on B

B$ git init --bare repo.git

then push to it from A using SSH protocol

A$ git push ssh://B/full/path/to/repo.git
Jakub Narębski
Hm so I tried this...B$ git init --bare externalA$ git push ssh://user@B/full/path/to/repo.gitI get that these messages:No refs in common and none specified; doing nothing.Perhaps you should specify a branch such as 'master'.fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
@user481826: I am sorry, I mixed up simpler to use but more complicated to set-up approach where you create "remote" configuration for pushing from A to B with URL-based config-less approach, where you have to specify branch(es) to push, or use `--all`/`--mirror`.
Jakub Narębski
A$ git push ssh://B/full/path/to/repo.git '*:*'