



Having trouble with the binary_search function listed at the top. not sure where to go with it. I'm not very familiar with binary searching.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

void get_input(ifstream& fin, int a[], int size, int & array_size);

void binary_search (int a[], int & array_size)
    cout << "Please enter the element you would like to search for \n";
    int element;
    cin >> element;

    int lastindex=array_size-1, startindex=0;

    while (startindex <= lastindex)
        int midindex=(array_size/2);
        if(element > a[midindex])
        else if (element < a[midindex])



int main()
    int array_size=-1;
    int a[100];

    ifstream fin;

    get_input (fin, a, 100, array_size);

    binary_search (a, array_size);

    return 0;

void get_input (ifstream& fin, int a[], int size, int & array_size)
    if (
        cout << "File failed to open";

    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        a[i] = 0;

    cout << "The numbers in the array are: \n\n";

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        if (!fin.eof())
            fin >> a[i];
            array_size ++;

    for (int i = 0; i < array_size; i++)
            cout << a[i] << "  ";

    cout << "\n\n\n";
    cout << "The numbers in the array sorted are: \n\n";

   for(int i = 0; i < array_size; ++i )
        int temp2 = a[i];

        for (int j = i+1; j < array_size; ++j )

            if( a[j] < temp2)
                temp2 = a[j];

                int temp = a[i];
                a[i]    = a[j];
                a[j]    = temp;

    for (int i = 0; i < array_size; i++)
            cout << a[i] << "  ";

    cout << "\n\n\n";


when done the program is suppose to take an input from a file assign it to an array then sort the array. After this i need to use a binary search to find a number given by the user and display its place in the array to the user.

update: getting wrong output for the index found.... should i just add one to midindex?

void binary_search (int a[], int & array_size)
    cout << "Please enter the element you would like to search for \n";
    int element;
    cin >> element;

    int lastindex=array_size-1, startindex=0;

    while (startindex <= lastindex)
        int midindex= startindex + (lastindex - startindex) / 2;

        if(element > a[midindex])
        else if (element < a[midindex])
        else if (element == a[midindex])
            cout<<"Element "<<element<<" found at index "<<midindex<<endl;


+2  A: 

Try changing



startindex=midindex + 1;


int midindex=(array_size/2);


int midindex= startindex + (lastindex - startindex) / 2

and most importantly you are doing nothing when you find the element !!

if(element == a[midindex]) {
  cout<<"Element "<<element<<" found at index "<<midindex<<endl;
Downvoter care to explain ?
yes, i voted down when i saw your answer being `startindex=midindex + 1`, fixed now :)
this worked perfect except im not getting back the correct midindex.
If the element is present in the array, you should get the right index. Is your element present in the array ?
yea the output numbers are 1, 6, 7, 11, 19, 21..... so on. and when i search for 11 im not getting the correct index.
@Alec: It works for me:
Also note that the index starts from `0` and not `1`. If you want the human style index(starting with 1) you should add `1` to `midindex` before displaying its value.
+2  A: 

My first reaction is to change the line

int midindex=(array_size/2);


int midindex = startindex + (lastindex - startindex) / 2;

Also, don't you want to report if the sought element was found or not? To detect the case when the element is found, another if branch like the following

if( element == a[midindex] )

can be inserted. That can have a return element; or return midindex inside it coupled with a return failure; outside the loop.

EDIT: I made a casual attempt to write a version of binary search. I don't claim it to be correct, as binary search is (in)famous for getting incorrect. Some code with test cases and output is uploaded at codepad.


int *
mybsearch( int const *  const a, size_t const n, int const key ) {

    int * lo = const_cast< int * >( a );
    int * hi = lo + n;

    while( lo <= hi ) {

        int * const mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
        int const midelem = *mid;

        if( key == midelem ) {
            return mid;
        else if( key < midelem ) {
            hi = mid - 1;
        else {
            lo = mid + 1;

    return NULL;

The main and test code:

int main() {

    int const arr[] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90};
    size_t const num = sizeof( arr ) / sizeof( int );

    int * pos20 = mybsearch( arr, num, 20 );
    assert( pos20 && (*pos20 == 20) );

    int * pos25 = mybsearch( arr, num, 25 );
    assert( !pos25 );

    int * pos5 = mybsearch( arr, num, 5 );
    assert( !pos5 );

    int * pos105 = mybsearch( arr, num, 105 );
    assert( !pos105 );
+1  A: 

Binary search works nicely as a recursive algorithm. Pass in the array and length, check the middle value, and recurse on the upper / lower half of the array, as appropriate.

Sam Dufel
+1, but this looks more like a comment than an answer :)

Consider carefully what is not right about int midindex=(array_size/2); when array_size = 1. Then generalize to array_size = 3. Then to any odd number. This will require small run simulations in your head or on paper.

Eric Towers

You're close. You want to do something like this:

int binary_search ...

so you can return the index of the element

while (startindex < lastindex)    
    int midindex=(startindex+endindex)/2;
    if(element = a[midindex]) {
        return midindex;
    else if(element > a[midindex])
Andrew Cooper
The statement `int midindex=(startindex+endindex)/2;` is susceptible to arithmetic overflow. See Better is to write something like: `int midindex = startindex + (endindex - startindex)/2;`
@ArunSaha Good point. Thanks
Andrew Cooper