



I need to port a bit of ActionScript code into Java. btw, never touched a as file in my life.

So far it's been easy, because AS syntax is fairly simple. There's a piece of code that calls

bmpData.paletteMap( bmpData , rect, point, rArray, gArray, bArray); //all arrays of size 256

The entire file is kind of dependent on this function and it is kind of alien to me, i need to understand what it actually does so that i can write my own implementation of paletteMap.

I don't need the code, just an explanation of the procedure. If it's already been done, that's even better.

edit: Here's what i make of the algorithm, is it correct?

private static void paletteMap(int[] rgbStream,int [] r,int[] g,int []b)
        if(r == null || g == null || b == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("Array can't null array.");

        for(int i = 0 ; i  < rgbStream.length; i++)
            int pixel = rgbStream[i], newPixel = 0;

            newPixel = b[pixel & 0xFF]; pixel >>= 8;
            newPixel |= g[pixel & 0xFF] << 8; pixel >>= 8;
            newPixel |= r[pixel & 0xFF] << 16;
            rgbStream[i] = newPixel;



Taken from AS3 docs, check the BitmapData Class for more detailed information

Remaps the color channel values in an image that has up 
to four arrays of color palette data, one for each channel.
@PatrickS, i appreciate your answer, but i found the description on that page a bit confusing. I'd like a more descriptive explanation of the process.