



I'm trying to call a method with many parameters in vs2008. Resharper's (v5) intellisense shows only few of them and then "Use smart Completion to see all". OK, I'm pressinf Ctrl+Shift+Space - and after that he shows some stupid suggestions like "String.Concat, String.Copy...", but I want to see as usual what name and type of parameter I need to pass into the method.

How can I avoid this?


For me, the shortcut is CTRL-P. If that doesn't work for you, go to Tools | Options | Environment | Keyboard, and search for "ReSharper.ReSharper_ParameterInfo_Show" and give it whatever keybinding you like.

Incidentally, CTRL-SHIFT-Space is for "smart completion" which helps you discover local variables/fields/etc. that are applicable at the current context. This is very useful when you have something like this:

string s = _

Where your cursor is at _. Now, using smart completion, it will return a list that only contains string variables/fields/etc.

Kirk Woll
I tried Ctrl + P: intellisense window that is sending me to Smart completion just become transparent. Nothing else happens.
@pukipuki, did you check the keybinding like I suggested?
Kirk Woll
Yes.. that command binded on Ctrl+P by default.

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