I am using Backtrack 4 (installed on hdd), and I have an USB wifi adapter that uses rtl8187.
I am trying to test wep cracking on my router (the signal is about 80%).
I executed aireplay -9 and it shows "Injection is working 30/30 100%". But when start airodump to capture ivs, and aireplay -3 to inject, it only captures 1 iv every few seconds.
On aircrack website I found http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=rtl8187, but it seems those patches are for an old kernel, so I went here http://patches.aircrack-ng.org/ and there i see:
This looks appropriated for BT4, but I don't know how to apply the patch.
Could someone explain me how? (preferably without having to recompile kernels)
And is there any other patch I should apply on bt4 (2.6.30)?