



So I know that there's support for keyboard navigation a la 508-compliance or accessibility in Flash/Flex, but that's not what I'm after here.

I'm going to be building a ten-foot UI (an on-screen UI for a device connected to a large television, to be used in a conference room with a remote control).

I'm looking for an elegant way to navigate that UI with a d-pad: up,down,left,right and select (enter/space bar when using a keyboard instead of a remote control).

I have not found any libraries out there, which surprised me, nor any Flex components that seem to already satisfy this need. The closest thing is the AdvancedDataGrid's keyboard navigation, but I don't think I'd want to use that component for my purposes.

I'm thinking I'll need to roll my own d-pad navigator from scratch. If you know of a library or component that I don't, I'd love to hear about it. If you've done this before and have any advice, I'm all ears. If you have used FocusManager with success, please share. I know people have done this. I just don't know how.