I am trying to extract the value from
in File.txt :
116206K->13056K(118080K), 0.0879950 secs][Tenured:274796K->68056K(274892K), 0.2713740 secs] 377579K->68056K(392972K), [Perm :17698K->17604K(17920K)], 0.3604630 secs]
I have try to extract
cat File.txt | grep 'Perm '| cut -d',' -f3|cut -d'(' -f2 |cut -d')' -f 1
What is wrong here . because i am trying I am getting the
392972K which is from 377579K->68056K(392972K)
But i should get from [Perm :17698K->17604K(17920K)] 17920