I've got a web server running Ubutu 10.04 and Apache2 and PHP.
When I upload a file to the server through PHP, it creates it with 'rwxr-xr-x' and 'www-data www-data' as the user and group.
I've added my 'administrator' account to the 'www-data' group.
However, when I log in to my server through SSH and try and delete one of the files created, it says 'Permission Denied'? Even if I apply '0777' permission to it, I still can't delete the file.
The only way I've found that lets me delete the file is to CHOW the file to the 'administrator' account. Obviously I don't want to do this for every file uploaded, or indeed really CHMOD every file to '0777'.
What I am doing wrong here that won't let me create a file, then delete it using a different account?