




Does anyone know how to determine determine the "Cross-Track Error"?

For those who are unfamiliar: You are driving along a line from Point "A" to point "B". When in transit, when you veer off that line, the distance from your current position to the line is the cross-track error.

I have a simple algorithm now which works, using basic geometry with the latitude and longitude of the three points - the problem is that it does not take "great circle" calculations into account (i.e. actual meters-per-degree longitude varies depending on your latitude, and does not equal that of the latitude).

In other words - if you know of a "great circle" formula for determining this, please let me know - but it is not a straight Cartesian geometry problem.


If dealing with latitude and longitude, the forumla you're looking for is the "Haversine" formula. It takes into account the curvature of the earth's surface.


Good luck.

Thanks for the tip - but its not just the distance from point to point that is the issue - but from your current location to the tangent point on the A-B line...


I'm not sure which ellipsoid model you are using since you don't say. If you aren't using an ellipsoid model in you current calculations, you may find this helpful:


The Vincenty algorithm is more accurate that the Haversine algorithm.

Once you have accurate distances for A-B, A-C and B-C, it should be straightforward to determine your distance from C to the line A-B. Something like a binary search of the distances from points on A-B to C, looking for the shortest value.


James Branigan

The CLLocation API provides

- (CLLocationDistance)distanceFromLocation:(const CLLocation *)location

Which uses a formula (it does not specify whether is it Haversine or Vincenty or other) that takes into account the curvature of the earth. This returns the distance in meters between the 2 CLLocations but does not account for any difference in altitude.

I knew this already - but your post has me re-thinking it. Though, the problem is that it's not as simple as determining the distance from one point to the next - but from your current location to the tangential intersection of the A-B line - and I still need to figure out what *that* point is.