Hi, I have a crontab file which executes a shell script as shown below
27 11 * * * /usr/python/bi_python/launcher/launch_script_leds.sh
The shell script does a number of things:
1)executes python script launcher.py which runs tests and outputs to log files
2)sends mail notification when tests have completed with test output as body of the message
This is the command in the .sh file:
mail [email protected] < /usr/python/bi_python/launcher/test_output.txt
This works fine but subject is blank
The subject for the email is out put to a txt file subject.txt from launcher.py. Is there a way to make the contents of this file the subject of my mail message?
I know you can use mail -s to specify subject but since many tests are being run through the launcher the subject will always vary
Thanks in advance