Hi, I try to write a script that counts connected components of a graph and I can't get the right solution. I have a simple graph with 6 nodes (vertexes), nodes 1 and 2 are connected, and nodes 3 and 4 are connected (6 vertexes; 1-2,3-4,5,6). So the graph contains 4 connected components. I use following script to count connected components, but I get wrong result (2).
nodes = [[1, [2], False], [2, [1], False], [3, [4], False], [4, [3], False], [5, [], False], [6, [], False]]
# 6 nodes, every node has an id, list of connected nodes and boolean whether the node has already been visited
componentsCount = 0
def mark_nodes( list_of_nodes):
global componentsCount
componentsCount = 0
for node in list_of_nodes:
node[2] = False
mark_node_auxiliary( node)
def mark_node_auxiliary( node):
global componentsCount
if not node[2] == True:
node[2] = True
for neighbor in node[1]:
nodes[neighbor - 1][2] = True
mark_node_auxiliary( nodes[neighbor - 1])
unmarkedNodes = []
for neighbor in node[1]:
if not nodes[neighbor - 1][2] == True: # This condition is never met. WHY???
unmarkedNodes.append( neighbor)
componentsCount += 1
for unmarkedNode in unmarkedNodes:
mark_node_auxiliary( nodes[unmarkedNode - 1])
def get_connected_components_number( graph):
result = componentsCount
mark_nodes( graph)
for node in nodes:
if len( node[1]) == 0: # For every vertex without neighbor...
result += 1 # ... increment number of connected components by 1.
return result
print get_connected_components_number( nodes)
Can anyone please help me find the mistake?