




Is there an API in the iOS SDK that deals with text messaging?

+2  A: 

MessageUI.framework is what you are looking for.

You can use MFMessageComposeViewController to show system composer for sms.

The MFMessageComposeViewController class presents a standard system interface for composing SMS text messages. You use this class to configure the initial recipients and body of the message and to configure a delegate to respond to the final result.

Deniz Mert Edincik
+1  A: 



However, as stated in the iOS documentation:

Important: If an iOS-based device is not configured to send a given type of message, you should avoid displaying the corresponding composition interface. The view controllers in this framework provide methods for determining if support is available for a given message type.

Evan Mulawski
+1  A: 

MessageUI.framework will work, and give you SMS and Email message capabilities


Note that this only works in iOS 4.0. Which means it will not work (currently) on the iPad.

Note: SMS will probably _never_ work on the iPad, by design. But your point is still valid for the general availability of the framework (i.e. email composure) on iPad devices.
Thomas Tempelmann